

2019 Key Results

Your investments at work! Thank you for a phenomenal year!

New Jobs Created
New Business Starts
Million Capital Investment

Workforce within 60 miles

“Cornerstone Alliance has a strong history and reputation for their commitment to Michigan’s Great Southwest and they have opened doors to opportunities for growth and expansion in the region.
Scott McFarland, CEO
Honor Credit Union

Cornerstone Alliance is the strongest and most important partner a local business has as their advocate.
Tim McVay
Freedom Counseling Center

Cornerstone Alliance’s success benefits all of us who live here and raise our families here. Their work is important for the future of our community.
J.C. & Nancy Anderson
Investors in Cornerstone Alliance

When many support a common goal, the effect will always be much stronger than any one of us can accomplish individually.
Mike Daigle, Executive Director,
South Bend International Airport